We have lots of exciting things going on at Sidewalk Farms over the next few months.
The first event, a workshop on planting and taking care of your veggie garden, is at the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire in Dover. The workshop is this coming Saturday, June 1st at the Museum and you can sign up at http://www.childrens-museum.org/cmnh2010/default.aspx . The workshop begins at 10 and is almost full. However if there are enough signups we will hold a second workshop at 11:00. Topics we will cover include how to plant seeds for successful germination, how to plant seedlings, using a potato bag to grow potatoes and adding compost to the garden to feed the soil. This is recommended for kids 4 and older and their families and the kids will all get to put their hands in the dirt and plant something. We are also selling organic veggie seedlings including tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, herbs and peppers following the workshop.
Then beginning on June 19th you can visit us at the Rye Famer’s Market in Rye, NH. The Market is every Wednesday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. We will be selling produce from all 5 gardens that we are currently growing in. You can find out what we will have at the Market by checking back here or liking us on Facebook. We update both regularly. http://ryeturninggreen.com/farmers-market
The next fun event happens July 13th. We are hosting a tour of the farm at 151 Park Street in Portsmouth through the Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group. We will focus on the Permaculture methods being used around the farm as well as intensive growing, growing veggies in containers, urban chicken raising, composting and vermiculture, indoor greenhouse use, and landsharing to increase our gardening space. To sign up for this tour go to the GSPG website. Spots are filling up so sign up soon. http://www.meetup.com/GreaterSeacoastPermaculture/events/119087222/?_af_eid=119087222&a=uc1_te&_af=event
There are other events later in the summer but we don’t have exact dates for those yet so stay tuned. We are so excited by everyone’s encouragement and support. Thanks to everyone who has come to the farm to buy seedlings and say hello. The self-serve greenhouse is open every day and has lots of seedlings in it right now so stop buy and check us out. I picked a few ripe strawberries today so they are coming. Bring on the heatwave.
Leslie, Carly and Lisa