I know it’s hard to believe that we are just a few months away from cold weather and warm fires, but the time is fast approaching and that means its time to order your turkey. We are again offering our yummy pasture raised turkeys for Thanksgiving/Christmas. Our Broad Breasted White turkeys come to the farm as day old chicks and go outside on pasture as soon as they are old enough. All of our heritage turkeys (Bourbon Red and Blue Slate) are hatched here at the farm. They all free range in a very large fenced in run and live happily with our breeding turkeys and our laying hens.
The Broad Breasted White turkeys will average between 15 and 25 pounds and the heritage birds will be smaller at 10 to 14 pounds. We will be sending them to a local butcher this year as we discovered our equipment for processing our chickens just isn’t large enough for the turkeys. Heritage birds tend to have darker meat and are a little more flavorful. The whites are flavorful as well but have whiter meat. The order form is attached at the bottom of this post. Pick up dates and the option for delivery are all on the order form. Please complete the form and return it by mail with your $15 deposit per bird to reserve your turkey/s. You can also drop it off at the Kittery Farmer’s Market on Sundays or take a picture and send it to us and send your deposit by Venmo. Our Venmo is @Leslie_SCF. All of the contact info is on the form.
If you have any questions please let us know.
Thanks and Happy Fall,
Leslie and Carly