It’s been a while since we have posted anything new on the website. Because of a few technical difficulties it has been difficult to get new material up but we have fixed those issues and can post again. Yay!!! Thanks Brad.
Here’s what we have been up to for the last few months.
- Most importantly we have a ton of organically fed and pasture raised frozen whole chickens available right now. Our freezers are quite literally packed so if you are interested in a few chickens for your freezer let me know. I would love to free up some freezer space for the next round of birds.
- A reminder that we are at the Kittery Community Market every Sunday from 10 to 2 with chickens and anything else we can find (potatoes, garlic, kale, leeks, onions, etc). We often have some fun items too like SCF t-shirts, yarn from our sheep and grain bag tote bags we made here. Come visit.
- We added 4 new sheep to our flock, including a ram named Trousers, so are planning for some lambs in the spring. We added beautiful colored fleeces and can’t wait to sheer the new sheep and get their wool processed. It’s fun to look out in the field and see all different colors and shapes. We also have beautiful wool available at the market that we just got back from the mill. We have 3 different shades of brown and they are so yummy.
- Our blueberry field did not do as well as we had hoped so weren’t able to pick many blueberries this summer. The drought has been tough since we don’t really have the capacity to water them. Hoping for some rain soon to give them a boost. Fingers crossed for next year.
- In September we will post our Thanksgiving turkey order forms. We will have about 50 turkeys for sale this year. We are raising two heritage breeds that we hatched here and Broad Breasted Whites that arrived when they were just a day old. We will be sending the turkeys to a butcher this year instead of doing them ourselves. Our equipment just isn’t big enough for the large turkeys. Our largest last year was 32 lbs. Most are between 18 and 24 and the heritage birds were a little smaller. Stay tuned for the form.
- Because we are at the market this summer we have not been doing deliveries but if you want some chicken or veggies feel free to get in touch and come on out to the farm for pick up. One of us is usually around so just let us know when you want to come by. You can visit the animals while you are here.
- We are looking into being vendors at the Berwick Winter Farmer’s market and will let you know when we hear from them about whether they will be open this year.
August is a great month on a farm. The veggies are coming in, the weeding slows a bit, there is a little more time for relaxation and the evening light is amazing. Enjoy this month and the abundance of locally grown food that’s available. We wish you well and hope to see you all at the markets or for a visit to the farm.
Be well,
Leslie and Carly