It’s been a while since we have added anything to the website. We have been on the new farm almost a year now and its been a year full of observing, planning, building, planting, growing, adding animals and generally turning an old unused farm into a fully functioning small diversified farm. So Sturgeon Creek Farm is up and running and we are now selling chemical free produce and organically raised whole frozen chickens. We will be updating this site regularly with what we have for sale. The best way to let us know you want something or for questions is to message us here or text/call. 603-767-8545
All produce is chemical free and organically grown. Currently available:
huge heads of yummy green leafy lettuce $3.00
garlic scapes $3.00
beets $3.00
quarts of strawberries $6.50
We have several dozen eggs available each week (first come first served) and a freezer full of organically raised whole chickens. Message me or text/call if you would like to come by for any of the above. I am in Portsmouth several times a week and can also drop stuff off with a little planning.
Stay tuned; if the strawberries continue to do well we may be able to have a “pick your own day” periodically during the season. 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
Coming up soon: sugar snap peas, potatoes, garlic, blueberries.
See you soon!!
Leslie and Carly