We are very excited to be trying something new this spring: an online seedling order form.
It’s in an excel spreadsheet that you can fill out and email back to me at Leslie@Sidewalkfarms.com to reserve your seedlings. The spreadsheet will do all the math for you automatically. Just click on the link to open the form.
You can pay by cash or check when you pick up your seedlings. Everything is explained on the form but if you have any questions please email me. Seedlings can be picked up in Portsmouth at the farm on or after May 15th or at the Seacoast Permaculture Plant Swap in Durham on May 14th. We can also make other arrangements for pick up if you would like. Just email me. The form can also be printed and returned by regular mail if that works better for you.
If you don’t want to fill out the form and would rather just stop by and shop, don’t worry. The little greenhouse at the end of the driveway will be open for self service again during May and June. I will post here and on Facebook when it is up and running at the beginning of May. And as always if you want to come by when I am here to shop just let me know and we can arrange a time.
Happy Spring,