Wow, its been a while since we posted anything here. I am finally getting a few minutes to write an update with the 2014 news from Sidewalk Farms. Spring has seemed long and cold and continues to be cold at night with temps below 50 degree. We are holding off on putting out tomatoes, peppers and eggplant until the soil warms up a bit. But we have plenty growing around the farm. Onions, garlic, strawberries, potatoes, peas, lettuce, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, blueberries, beets, cabbage, and broccoli are all doing well and actually are enjoying the colder damp weather. A little sun and warmth would be great for the strawberries and blueberries though, as we have fruit that is just waiting to ripen. Hopefully the next week will see temps back up in the 60’s where they should be and the very first of the strawberries will be ready.
The biggest news for Sidewalk Farms this spring is that we signed a lease on a conservation property in Rye called Goss Farm and we have become the resident farmers there. We have an acre of land that is designated for our use and we are taking it slow by cultivating just 1/4 acre this year. We are planting in straw bale rows, sheet mulched areas, grow bags, and planting potatoes on top of the ground covered by hay and manure. We are trying lots of different methods of planting to avoid tilling with machinery. We are planning to have regular hours there on Thursday mornings from 9 to 11 beginning in mid-June so hopefully people will come visit and see what is growing.
We also have some fun upcoming events. Friday, June 6th we are planting a potato tower at the New Hampshire Children’s Museum in Dover at 6:00pm. Kids can help plant the potatoes and then come back in September and help us open the tower and see what grew. Wednesday, June 18th from 2:30 to 5:30 is the first Rye Farmer’s Market and we will have lots of seedlings, greens, radishes, and hopefully strawberries for sale. Saturday, June 21st at 10:15 is our next Anyone Can Grow Food class at the Museum and we will be planting an herb garden and checking out what is edible in the garden at that point. Friday, June 20th and Saturday, June 21st we are also on the South Church Pocket Garden Tour in Portsmouth and tickets are available on this website: http://www.southchurch-uu.org/#!pocket-garden-tour. There are more events as the summer progresses but we will update the website and Facebook page as we get closer.
We currently have lots of seedlings available for sale in Portsmouth so please let me know if you would like to come by and check them out. We have many different types of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, lots of squash, cucumber, kale, and other stuff. We are usually around on weekends. Hope to see you at one of the events or come for a visit at one of the farms. Also you can like us on Facebook for more updates and details. Happy planting.
Leslie, Carly and Lisa