Sidewalk Farms has begun writing a blog for the Rye Eats Local e-newsletter. The newsletter comes out at the beginning of each month. You can visit the Rye Turning Green website to subscribe to the newsletter to see our blog each month. We are very excited to be added to this great newsletter and to be farming in Rye. We are calling this garden “Sidewalk Farms at Mimi’s” and will post more pictures and updates on our Facebook page. The first article came out today and is posted below. |
This is a new column written by Sidewalk Farms. Sidewalk Farms is an urban farm based in Portsmouth, NH that uses permaculture principles and organic practices. The mission of Sidewalk Farms is very simple -to help people learn to grow their own food. Sidewalk Farms is currently growing food at 5 small sites around the Seacoast. We will be chronicling our summer’s activities at one of our sites in Rye Eats Local. Please visit us on the web (www.sidewalkfarms.com)or like us on Facebook to learn more about Sidewalk Farms! “If we can teach people just a little about the importance of eating local food, then we are having the desired impact of raising consciousness about food sources and environmental issues and giving people more control over their food choices.” – Leslie Stevens Sidewalk Farms at Mimi’s Late April As the sun shines and the temperatures warm, all kinds of plants begin to emerge – especially in such nice, rich soil! Our work today was to prepare the beds for the plants we want to grow by getting rid of the weeds. One of the permaculture principles we try to stick to is “Use small and slow solutions” which is to say that we are careful not to bite off more than we can chew. We created about a dozen bedding areas, roughly 4′ by 4′. This will enable us to easily tend our plants as the growing season progresses. We planted onions in one bed. Other plantings planned for this space are tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini and winter squash. We are keeping in mind that deer will love to visit and snack so we are choosing their least favorite items! Stay tuned! |